Pre-existing heart disease increases risk of contracting COVID

The novel coronavirus was first detected in Wuhan City, Hubei province..

The novel coronavirus was first detected in Wuhan City, Hubei province, China in December 2019 and since then it has rapidly spread across the Globe. COVID 19 was declared a pandemic on 11 March, by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Besides respiratory involvement corona virus has also been associated with multiple organ dysfunction.

People with heart disease such as coronary artery disease or heart failure are more likely to develop more severe COVID 19 symptoms.

Pre-existing heart conditions:

Individuals with pre-existing coronary artery disease, who have contracted corona virus are more likely to face cardiac complications as they already have compromised blood supply to their heart.

A  study looking at over 72,000 patients with COVID-19 found that about 22 percent of patients who died had cardiovascular comorbidities.

The study also found that the fatality rate amongst patients with heart diseases (10.5 percent) was higher than patients with other chronic health conditions (7.3 percent for diabetes, 6.3 percent for chronic respiratory disease, and 5.6 percent for cancer).

Inflammation can impact the heart;

Corona virus causes inflammation and this results in myocarditis (inflammation of the heart) which puts a lot of stress on the heart, making the heart work harder to pump blood throughout the body.

A study showed that those who have a more intense inflammatory response seem more likely to develop serious heart troubles and have a higher risk of dying from COVID-19.

Take care of your heart;

Exercise regularly, get enough sleep and eat a balanced diet with good amount of fresh fruits and veggies.

Stay connected with your friends and family via social networks and phone calls.

Limit the amount of time you spend on taking up information regarding the pandemic, and only trust reliable sources.

Avoid using alcohol or drugs.

Take short active breaks during the day.

Recommendations to keep yourself safe from COVID 19;

  • Make sure to continue taking your medication and follow medical advice.
  • Secure a one month supply of your medication or longer if possible.
  • Maintain a distance of at least one meter from people with cough, cold or flu.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  • Stay at home if possible.
  • Follow the instructions of the Department of Health and local authorities.
  • If you experience symptoms (shortness of breath, fever and cough), call your doctor or a hospital immediately. Explain to them that you are calling in relation to COVID 19 and that you are at high risk.

Preexisting heart condition can make you susceptible to COVID 19. Keep yourself healthy and stay safe.


Consult with Dr. Rahul Sawant for Your Heart Health Today